
ARC provides best practice, evidence based training to those working with children, young people and families. This includes psychologists, counsellors and social workers, case workers, and youth workers employed in a variety of settings. For example people working in child protection, youth justice, out of home care, residential care, schools, youth and family support agencies and private practice.

See current training options and schedule below. Please don’t hesitate to contact me to discuss training options, group discounts and further information.

An introduction to responding to harmful sexual behaviour - 1 day

  • How we respond to young people who have displayed harmful sexual behaviour is an important element of ceasing the behaviour, restoring safety and beginning the healing process. Providing responses that are evidence-based improves outcomes and reduces recidivism.

    This introductory training includes:

    • Information about harmful sexual behaviour,

    • Current responses and treatment approaches,

    • An introduction to best-practice principles.

      • The practice principles are then used as a guide to help participants formulate an evidence-based response relevant to their role.

    This workshop is suitable for those supporting children, young people or families where harmful sexual behaviour has occurred.

    Participants may include psychologists, social workers, counsellors, case workers, school staff, youth and residential care workers, and disability support workers.

  • Aim: To provide insight into best-practice responses and how they can be applied by those who are working with children, young people and families when harmful sexual behaviour has occurred.

    Objectives: By the end of the training, participants will be able to:

    • Understand the characteristics of harmful sexual behaviours and current responses.

    • Understand key practice principles for treating young people who have displayed harmful sexual behaviours.

    • Implement skills to effectively respond to harmful sexual behaviour.

  • Presenter - This training will be presented by David Stracey - Click here to read about David

    Cost - Register before 30/06 for early bird $130

    After 30/06 - $180

    Duration - 1 day

Best practice principles for treating harmful sexual behaviour - 1 day

  • Providing evidence based treatment for young people who have displayed harmful sexual behaviour is a crucial element of reducing recidivism, reducing risk, ensuring safety and restoring relationships.

    Evidence-based practice principles have been established that can provide an overarching framework for treatment. For example the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse identified nine principles of practice:

    • A contextual systemic approach should be used

    • Family and caregivers should be involved

    • Safety should be established

    • Accountability and responsibility for the harmful sexual behaviours should be established

    • Behaviour change should be a focus

    • Developmentally and cognitively appropriate interventions should be used

    • Care provided should be trauma informed

    • Therapeutic services and interventions should be culturally safe

    • Therapeutic interventions should be accessible to all children with harmful sexual behaviours

    At first glance the principles are somewhat simple and make sense, however as a clinician if you look at them closely they are not straightforward - some may say they are complex and perhaps even difficult to achieve.

    This one day workshop will include:

    • an overview of best practice assessment frameworks

    • a review of the principles of practice, and

    • consideration of the key clinical considerations for adhering to the principles

    This workshop is suitable for clinicians who are providing counselling and treatment to children, young people and their families when harmful sexual behaviour has occurred.

  • Aim: To provide insight into best practice principles and how they relate to those who are working with children, young people and families where harmful sexual behaviour has occurred.

    Objectives: By the end of the training, participants will be able to:

    • Understand the key practice principles for treating young people who have displayed harmful sexual behaviour

    • Evaluate how best practice principles apply to your practice

    • Implement clinical skills related to the practice principles

  • Presenter - This training will be presented by David Stracey - Click here to read about David

    Cost - Register before 30/06 for early bird - $160

    After 30/06 - $220

    Duration - 1 days




Supervision and Consultation